Just Be Human.

Your contacts app — but with superpowers.

Give more to your relationships and eliminate missed connections with GriGri.


Giving you the nudge you need

GriGri helps guide your relationships in the right direction with features that take remembering information off your plate and is proactive for you.

Proactive Notifications
Intelligent Topic Search
Consistent & Timely Reminders

See GriGri in Action

Watch GriGri take the guesswork out of networking.

Advance your relationship with relationships

Stay connected

Remember what’s most important and harness it to create thoughtful conversation.

Improve relationships

Spark conversations where you can relate and build your rapport.

Make meetings meaningful

Build lifelong connections with those you meet. Just add them to GriGri and watch your relationship grow.

Stay in touch & stay top of mind

Tend to your relationships like a garden: be consistent and watch them grow.

We know you are busy.

We’ll take it from here.


Reminders to reach out when relationships need follow-up.

Pulls Materials For You

An intuitive system gets you relevant topics you need to break the ice.

Progress Tracker

See where you are, where you’ve been, and what step you should take next with your contact.

Prioritize high-value relationships

Rank connections based on priority to keep potential leads at the top of your list.

Make Notes

Have the most critical information at your fingertips when you need a refresher.

Contacts all in one place

One contacts app to rule them all that integrates with Outlook, Google, and your native contacts.

Maintain strong relationships, no matter how many.

On average, most people can only sustain about 150 relationships at most. As the number of relationships grows, the strength and intimacy of those relationships weakens. GriGri aims to fix that. We want each relationship to be just as strong and intentional, whether you know 50 people or 500.

This idea is based off Dunbar’s theory; we’ve gone more in depth about the heart of GriGri on our blog, read it here

Connections we’ve catalyzed:

" "I meant to call you..." I will never have to use that phrase again!! This app is easy to use and allows you to input birthdays, email addresses, and more. The group feature is great to be able to identify contacts instead of searching through your phone and guessing on the name. Most importantly, you can set the length of time to be notified to contact a contact. This app will be a game changers for me in my personal and professional life."

M Ahasay

Happy connecting.

Just Be Human.